Ashmolean After Hours July 27

What's On In Oxford

Ashmolean After Hours

Late Night Opening (+ exhibition talk)

Friday 27 July, until 8pm

We will be keeping our doors open late so you can enjoy an evening viewing of the Museum, attend a talk, or relax after work with friends, all after our normal closing time. There will be music and bars serving food and drink. Why not book a table for dinner at our Rooftop Restaurant?

Artist Amanda Beck (Amandabeckartist) will be running free art activities in Gallery 21, so why not improve your art skills? FREE, and all materials are provided.

General entry is FREE. Tickets are needed for the talk (see below). Please note that not all galleries will be open.

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Fighting, Flying and Painting: Sydney Carline (1888-1929), with Dr Jonathan Black, FRSA. Senior Fellow in the History of Art
6pm, Lecture Theatre

Learn about the life and art of Sydney Carline, a highly talented painter, etcher and medal designer who was appointed an official British War Artist in 1918.